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Trusted protector of what matters most

Secure privileges and manage access for VendorsDevelopersApplicationsService Desks

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BeyondTrust is a global leader in privileged access management. Offering a comprehensive security platform that integrates a range of modules and supports breach prevention, it supports organisations with privilege protection for endpoints, servers, cloud and DevOps environments, as well as for network devices. BeyondTrust has delivered its solutions to more than 20,000 customers worldwide.

Solutions in which we operate

Privileged access management

PAM class systems are one of the most essential elements of IT infrastructure protection.

Remote access and session recording

Systems providing remote access and session recording ensure efficient and secure collaboration with external providers.

Privilege management

EPM/PEDM class software are solutions that combine the control of running applications and the management of permissions at the operating system level.

Remote user support

Systemy wsparcia użytkowników stają się kluczowymi narzędziami wpływającymi na efektywność pracy zespołów wsparcia oraz bezpieczeństwo informatyczne całej organizacji


Password Safe

Privileged access management, automatic password and key rotation, session recording.

Privileged Remote Access

Remote access control, registration of privileged sessions

Privilege Management

Precise regulation of user account permissions in Windows systems.

Remote Support

Advanced user support system built on the basis of PAM-class systems.

Active Directory Bridge

Logging into Linux and Unix systems with Active Directory credentials.